Chia Blog

Are You Buying A Genuine Handbag From The Rightful Owner?

Luxury goods are more than just products; they represent a lifestyle, an aspiration, and an experience. When customers buy a Birkin bag or a Rolex, they’re not just buying the product; they’re buying a promise with an expectation of quality and exclusivity.  In an industry where organizations sell their brand promise as much as their […]

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Showing 46-54 of 142 Results for: All
May 03, 2023

Version 1.8.0 Release

Version 1.8.0 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release features user experience improvements, including updates…
CommunityProduct Development
May 03, 2023

We’re moving to Discord – Part 2

We’re excited to officially welcome you to the Chia Network Discord server! As of today, our new public channel is…
May 02, 2023

The Green Paper Has a New Home

The new version of our green paper is updated to explain the consensus algorithm we actually deployed. It is very…
April 29, 2023

We’re moving to Discord!

The Chia ecosystem experience means a lot to us. If you’re on Keybase, you’ll see many of us are very…
April 11, 2023

Chia Product Hour: The Clawback Feature 

We’re committed to real-world blockchain utility, meaning we must recognize the industry’s pain points and build the tools to address…
CommunityProduct Development
March 22, 2023

Version 1.7.1 Release

Version 1.7.1 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release focuses on user experience improvements, including updates…
CommunityProduct Development
March 19, 2023

Chia Mainnet Year Two: The Year of You

We’re thrilled to celebrate the second anniversary of our Mainnet launch with you! It is incredible to think about how…
March 09, 2023

Do You Trust The Data You’re Transacting On?

Business runs on data often recorded, shared, and stored on paper and in databases owned, operated, and typically fragmented across…
Blockchain 101LeadershipReal-World Application
Showing 46-54 of 142 Results for: All

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